Friday, November 2, 2012

Skinny women who want to gain weight

Skinny women who want to gain weight

I have ran into many models and women funny enough who try to gain weight but no matter how much they eat they just can't seem to gain more than 5 pounds (1/2 stone).  I was even one of them when I tried to become a plus size model.  Skinny women can have just as a hard time to gain weight like women who try to lose weight.

Eat to control cravings and boost energy 

 Skinny women's desires to gain weight is never taken too seriously.  For example after a good workout at a unnamed gym in Manhattan I went over to the smoothie bar.  I asked for the shake overloaded with calories and the server just laughed at me.  He shouted my order out loud in front of the other trainers and a chorus of laughter errupted. 

One thing skinny women have to be aware of is poor eating habits like snacking late in the night.  Over indulging on sweet stuff  because one can get away with it.  Not the way to go.

There is less research for lean women with fast metabolism but here are a few tips to get a few extra pounds on the bone:

1. Keep away from tradmills and stair stepper machines.  You will lose more weight 

2. Gain muscle by lifting weights with exercising.  A trainer can guide you on how many reps and sets to do.  Muscle distributes itself evenly across the body.  Nice!!

3. Keep a journal on the amount of calories you consume in a week,  Add another 500 calories to your normal calorie intake.  After a few weeks check to see if you notice a difference.  If not add another 500 more until you begin to gain weight.

4. Eat six times a day rather than the traditional three.  This recommendation is a benefit for all people of all sizes.  Higher amounts of nutrients are absorbed by the body.

5.  Eat 20 to 30% of your calorie intake in unsaturated fats to provide your body with essential fatty acids.   Try
     Avocados, nuts and oils.

6. If you have a hard time eating six meals, drink a meal replacement powder enriched with vitamins.

7. Eat more good nourishing food then more saturated fat that can end up anywhere.

8. Make sure 30-60% of your calories are in carbohydrates.  Such as broccoli, sweet corn, oats, brown rice, poasta, grains, black beans and potatoes

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